Climate Justice is a slogan often used at climate change demonstrations. But what do we actually mean when we shout it? This is my attempt at unpacking my own thinking. I welcome discussion.

When I ask for climate justice, I ask that we start managing our natural resources responsibly. Responsibility must start with honestly assessing the situation - what do we have, how fast are we using them up. Then, responsibility means living within our means. We are currently not managing our resorces responsibly, and our lives depend on us transitioning to doing so.

Justice means a transition everyone can get behind. Not one where everyone gets everything they want, but where everyone’s needs are met. We cannot do this alone, as one group or one country - everyone actually has to get on board. Responsibility requires some sacrifices. We humans can find it in us to make them, provided we feel others are doing the same.

When? Now! We do not need to wait for others to realize this is necessary. Instead we must arrive at that conclusion on our own, and start changing ourselves while simultaneously pulling others with us.

Some resources that have influenced my thinking on this are:

  • ‘The Great Simplification’ podcast by Nate Hagens which looks at humanities issues from a systems perspective
  • ‘How to world really works’ book by Vaclav Smil